Lakeshore Psychology & Wellness Centre
is committed to providing safe in-person services
and video-based services
COVID-19 Policy
When you enter the clinic, please sanitize your hands using the hand sanitizer provided.
Although no measures can reduce the chances of transmission to zero, we do our best to provide the safest environment possible:
Each area is equipped with sanitization supplies.
We ask our therapists to clean table surfaces, pens, pencils, markers and other supplies in between sessions.
We clean the waiting room and kitchen surfaces at least once a day, and several times daily during outbreaks.
Our waiting room and clinical spaces are aerated naturally or equipped with a surgical-grade air purifier.
Mask wearing is not currently required to enter the clinic. However, masks are still available on the clinic's entrance table if you or a family member would prefer to wear one.
During periods where the rate of transmission and risk of illness from COVID-19 is elevated, the decision about whether mask wearing is required during the session will be left to your therapist's discretion; however, because some of our therapists or clients may be immunocompromised, we will require staff, clients, and others to wear a surgical mask covering their nose, mouth and chin when in the common areas of the clinic. We always ask that you attend your session from home if you are feeling unwell. Notice of when mask wearing is required will be provided on or near the clinic’s door, and a mask will be provided if needed.
Please stay home and have your session by video if any of the following apply to your situation:
If you don’t feel well or if you have any of the following symptoms, even if mild:
sore throat that isn't improved by an anti-histamine
runny nose that isn't improved by an anti-histamine
sneezing that isn't improved by an anti-histamine
new or worsening cough
shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
temperature equal to or more than 38°C
feeling feverish
fatigue or weakness
muscle or body aches
new loss of smell or taste
abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting
feeling very unwell
if you have tested positive for COVID, even if you don't have any symptoms, or
if anyone in your household or with whom you have had close contact is presenting symptoms of COVID, whether they have tested positive or not.
What to do: Have your session by video. Do not come to the clinic until you are feeling better.​​
​If any of these apply to your therapist, they too will be asked to stay home, and your session will either be changed to videotherapy or canceled.
​Let’s work together to stay healthy and safe!